The wider world project begins with: The British Museum.
This project has encouraged to me to explore new places, and
become more active. The project offers a different activity which starts with
The British Museum. I plan to attend all the activities, it'll be fun, I'll be
able to take photographs, and I feel that it's allowing me to explore as
an individual. Also, I'll receive a certificate at the end. :)
British Museum:
Today, a few
friends and myself went to The British Museum. It’s been years since I last
went, but going again was great! They provide so much information, about other
countries and the history it holds. You can't walk out without knowing
something new, it’s impossible. We first saw, the Rosetta Stone. The Rosetta
Stone, which is housed in the British
Museum, is a black slab
with three languages on it (Greek, demotic and hieroglyphs) each saying the
same thing. It's so interesting, how this stone has been preserved and revealed to the world.
We also
came across Mummies!
I've always found mummies, and sacrifice
really fascinating. Every one of the British Museum's mummies was once a living, breathing
Egyptian's going about their everyday life - working, eating, sleeping, getting
ill, spending time with their family. Studying these people's mummies tells us
a lot about their lives. It explained mummification with diagrams of the
process. It was quite weird, to see the bodies and how they decayed.
We also came across the statue of
Ramesses II, the 'Younger Memnon'. We then explored different cultures and
countries as we went along. We came across different clothes, masks, and
traditions. We also ended up having a deep conversation about the Greeks. There
were a few sculptures; which portrayed men and woman fighting. We spoke about
sexism and how woman are portrayed in the media and stereotypical domestic
views. It allowed us to think about the past, and question if they were
rebelling but also think about how things are in the present. Do we still face
After an hour and a half, we went to the garden outside the
museum. I was able to take photos of the different flowers, it was quite nice.
:) I'm glad I went. It was really good, I don't know why it took me so long to